So we have officially bought a house! Woohoo. We have been looking at it for a while and sorted through some issues and finally can say we bought it. We already have our stuff in the house, it's just a matter of cleaning the house and organizing where we want certain things. House is one storey, 1600sq.ft., with fireplace (gas), 2 bedrooms (potentionally three), and two bathrooms. Kitchen and living room are open concept which we love! Here goes:
Kitchen to the left and hall to the right. Will be moving the piano though, not sure I like the colour with the wall.
Trust me, it looks better by now! But this is the living room with big windows, so lots of light and the gas fireplace is barely noticable between the windows...
Laundry room
Awesome mirror in our bathroom as well as lots of closet space!
James's bedroom...
Also bit of news is Jasper's new truck. Or should I say trucks. He is driving a semi for Vandenberg Hay Farms. Here are some pics:
And Jasper has upgraded from this:
To this:
Let me tell you, before I'm in that truck with this big belly, it takes more than a hop, skip and a jump! :) Alright that's all the news bits for now so we hope you are all doing well and that the winter flu isn't hitting too many of you!! (BTW, that house you see in the background behind the second pic of Jasper's new truck belongs to our new neighbours! :)