
Monday, 30 December 2013

Peter and Presents

Uncle Peter has finally arrived! He battled an insane snowstorm to make it here for Saturday. He said he couldn't see for nothin' and was following a semi truck lights when he saw it slide into the ditch right in front of him. So Pete steered the other way and kept driving...well....crawling along. Then he passed four cars right behind each other all in the ditch nicely spaced apart of about 15 meters. Hmmm. Anyone guess what happened there? lol. But thankfully the roads and visibility got better as he headed south and so he made it to our house safe and sound at around 2AM. We all slept in since Jasper and I were out by friends till 1AM anyways and James went to bed late, so by the time we were all up and running, it was around 10. So we made coffee and sat down to chat and share some presents. Peter spoiled our little guy...have a look at some of the pictures.

A sweet quad from Bass Pro Shops!!! It makes all kinds of sounds too.

We gave James a pickup with a big trailer with some horses.

And a book...

Peter got us another version of "Settlers" called "Settlers of America: Trains and Rails" Very fun game!

Well Aunt Heather, now Nicole has her very own car too!! :)

Me and my little kiddies!!! 


  1. Jeanette, super cute pictures!!!!! Love that little girl, wanna kiss her to pieces! And James with his cool quad~! Leuk hoor. Ya, Pieter does not show up sometimes, but when he does, he is there!

  2. I agree Mom, Peter makes well worth the wait!! ;-)
    Nice pictures, Jeanette. I love the one with James and Nicole on your lap!
    Miss you, love you, talk to you soon!
