
Thursday 21 February 2013


Ok so continuing on from yesterday...

When we got home from Ontario James still hadn't received our present yet so we gave it to him Sunday night and it's a rocking horse. It even makes noise - which at first he was terrified of, but now he loves! Here is a little video clip of him on his horse:

Also we bought a house! Very exciting. It's located north of Nobleford. It's 63 acres and what I really like about it is that we can custom design the entire property because not much is on it yet besides the house. Also I can easily walk to town and bring James to the splash pad and playground in the summer. I also have some friends who live close by and that's always nice. We hope to have the key by Feb. 28th. We have already moved our trailer over there and moved our stuff inside because the house is empty so hopefully we will have it all ready before we even move officially! Also, Jasper bought a new truck which I haven't taken pics of yet because it has been so busy this past week and Jasper leaves for work in the dark and comes home late so I haven't been able to snap a pic yet. Will update soon!!!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

James first birthday!

I went to Ontario with James at the end of January to visit mom and dad and the family. James celebrated his first birthday while we were there and the poor boy was sick on his birthday. Throwing up and sad. But he was showered with lots of presents from his aunts and uncles and he is loving playing with them now that we are back. Here are some pictures of the Ontario trip:

James was just wonderful on the airplane. He laughed when it took off, wasn't scared or anything. We sat right by the engine so it was pretty loud, but he loved it! 
More updates coming! I need to go to work now...