
Tuesday 14 May 2013

New post!!! :)

Pffffffffffffffffffffffff, man it takes forever for Jeanette to post again! I know, I know! I will not apologize however, since I have been quite busy with the recent turn of events happening in our household. I will begin with approximately a month ago. So we had invited a couple (Gerrylee and Jason) over to our house from our church and the plan was for them to come on Saturday. So they showed up and they sat down on the couch in our living room and I went to the kitchen to put a pot of coffee on and lo and behold. I look out the window and there was a SWARM of people all walking up to our house each one holding either cake, cookies, drinks or some snack in their arms. I was shocked and raced to our bedroom telling Jasper to open the door. Looking back now I'm not sure as to why. Gerrylee is doubled over on the couch laughing! :) She had planned it of course! But anyways they all came pouring in and it ended up being a surprise home warming party. It was so very cool. We had our house full and lots of food and gezelligheid. The ladies were all telling me not to go into labour and making sure I felt ok. They kept asking, "Are you ok? Is this too much of a shock for you?" Haha. I told them I didn't mind at all if I went into labour. But I didn't. The next day however, I thought I was in labour and so we called up Marlies Kleen who had offered to watch James when I started labour (it's 11 at night), we dropped James off and went to the hospital (and remember this was 2 weeks before my due date) and I was assessed, but no "Not in labour" was the verdict. Rats. So we went off home and I was disappointed of course, but hey 2 weeks is pretty early. James was 9 days early though, so I'm expecting this one to be early too. About a week later, I thought I was in labour again, and so we dropped off the little guy with all the bags and stuff (it's 11:30 at night again!!) and race to the big H. And of course, its the same verdict and we had to head off home. How embarrasing! Twice! And I had told myself not to bother Marlies until I knew I was in labour...oh oh. Anyways, of course by now I'm hitting my due date (April 29) and each day that passes I'm thinking this kid is going to be HUGE! I felt big and heavy. But we had a little problem. Jasper was summoned to Calgary on May 1 for an official interview to assess if he could become permanent resident or not and May 1 was quickly approaching. I was getting nervous. I called the citizenship office and told them I might go into labour on May 1 and they told me that I HAD to be present at the interview and if I did go into labour to write a letter to the office to explain the reason why and they would set Jasper up with a new interview date. Hmm. Predicament. If I don't go into labour, do we still make the 2 hour trek up there and risk the babe being born in Calgary, which ok, isn't the worst, but it's still a 2 hour drive home and I wouldn't have my OB.  Yes! Let's risk it! So off we went and the day was perfectly uneventful, Jasper passed his exam and is officially now a Permanent Resident and we even managed to shop at IKEA for some shelves. It was a fun day. We headed home and hit the sack at around 11. Of course at 2:30 am I go into off we raced to the hospital and I'm thinking, "It's not going to be the real thing, so forget waking Marlies up, let's just go, they'll assess me and then we will know for sure. If it is, Jasper can just drop James off. It's a bit of a drive, but I'm sure the baby won't make his/her appearance instantly! So that was the decision made. Problem was I really was in labour and they don't want little kids on that ward, so Jasper phoned Marlies up and she very kindly offered to pick James up in Lethbridge. The next 5 hours, were really honestly not that bad and we welcomed little Nicole into the world at 8:10 am on May 2. What an awesome moment! Never to be forgotten. She is such a gem. I will post some pictures at the end of this blurb. Marlies Kleen came to visit me in the hospital and brought James to meet his little sister. Well, that did not go well. He took one look at her and wailed. Wanted nothing to do with her. I'm sure that'll change. It's already a bit better now that he's back home. I went home the next day and felt really well. James stayed by Marlies Kleen for a week and then I picked him up on Friday last week. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law arrived in Calgary from Holland on Saturday May 11 to visit the little baby and see where we lived. So they are still over now until this Friday and then I pick up Irene on Friday in Calgary too. YES!!! Right now my mom-in-law and bro-in-law are with Jasper in the semi truck driving around southern Alberta dropping off fertilizer in Pincher Creek. We also had baptism this past Sunday already for Nicole, because of family being over from Holland, we thought that would be nice with them there. Here are some pics and till next time!

Marlies Kleen with Nicole


  1. Congrats Jeanette & Jasper! Your daughter is beautiful :)

  2. Congratulations! She is very cute. When I saw the first pics on fb, I knew she had to be big. My kids were all three pounds or more lighter so the looked like little scrawny birds. ;). Hope all goes well and enjoy your visit with Irene!

  3. Oh, she's beautiful! I love reading labour stories, especially the interesting ones :) I can totally see you racing off to the hospital and coming back disappointed... Once again, congratulations and God's blessings to your little family!
